Patience is one of the most important virtues we as Christians need to practice. Patience is mentioned as one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit in the book of Galatians 5:22-23, also referred to as long-suffering, or forbearance.
Many times God will allow situations to happen to really test our patience. We need to make sure we are always patient no matter what circumstance we find ourselves in. Oftentimes the situations we find ourselves in, it may seem justifiable to be impatient, but we need to remember that The Bible says we need to be patient with others as Jesus was patient with us. When we are more patient in our lives we will notice more peace amidst challenging situations. In The Book of James Chapter 1 from verse 2-4, The Bible talks about how the trying of our faith works patience. So when we are put in these challenging situations that test our patience we need to rejoice because our patience is being strengthened through these situations. If we look in The Bible there are plenty of examples of people who had to wait and be patient. For example Abraham had to wait around 25 years for God to fulfill the promise He gave to Abraham. Even Jesus had to wait 30 years to start His ministry. You see when we have to wait God, He is able to work on our patience and character. Without this waiting process, our character and patience will not be able to handle Gods promises and blessings for us.
God has a perfect plan for our lives so it's very important we stick to that plan and are patient for His promises. God is faithful and will always deliver on His Word, But He purposely allows these circumstances to happen so that we can grow as a Christian. So when you get into situations where your patience is tested, rejoice and know that it's there for your benefit and character development. Again whether it's waiting on Gods promises or dealing with others we need to see these experiences as opportunities to grow spiritually and in our paitence and character.
We hope that this quick message helps you on your Christian walk and strengthens your faith in Christ! If you like to see more please check out our other blogs and content here at Kingdom Clarity, God Bless!