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A large number of major food and drink brands across The United States and around the world have partnered with San Diego-based company "Senomyx" which has created a flavor enhancer using the cell lines of an electively aborted human being. I compiled a comprehensive list of the food brands using senomyx, for those who also seek to no longer support or consume these brands. See the complete list.
Brett Raio's Grateful Album (remastered) features new songs "All Things" and "Focus (Remix)" w/ Charlie Carbone and Levante Joyner. Listen to the full remastered project.
BREAKING: A court hearing between Jared Leto, the worldwide acclaimed actor/musician, and a man named Michael, took place this week on Tuesday, May 17th, at the Los Angeles County Superior Court of Pasadena, California. Alleged Pedophilia, Cult Practices, is Jared Leto the antichrist?
Canary Island of La Palma, Spain. This morning around 10:00am, the Cumbre Vieja volcano at La Palma has finally erupted after days of earthquakes resulting in over 5,000 recorded tremors. This article serves as a notification and warning of a possible tsunami that could send a wall of water measuring over one hundred feet high... Read more.
There's no doubt that the art of music stirs and inspires us. Whether it's Brett Raio's Invalid or one of the tracks from the VITALITY album, the lyrics and sound compels us to tap our hands and feet and join along. This shows that sounds positively influence our soul, stirring us into action and leading us into a greater purpose... Read more.