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A Comprehensive List of Food Companies and Products That Use Senomyx (Used Aborted Babies)

Updated: Nov 5, 2023

A large number of major food and drink brands across The United States and the world have partnered with San Diego-based company "Senomyx" which has created a flavor enhancer using the cell lines of an electively aborted human being. I compiled a comprehensive list of the food brands using senomyx, for those who also seek to no longer support or consume these brands.

I will go out of my way to not support companies who go out of their way to support the slaughter of innocent human children. You'll notice that there is almost always a more local, more organic option right beside the brand-name products, and these alternative options always seem to be many times healthier as well. They tend to lack ingredients like high-fructose corn syrup, red and blue dyes, along with lacking the use of senomyx as a flavor enhancer. More information with direct info. sources and citations can be found below, but without further ado, here is the comprehensive list we have compiled:

Below is a comprehensive list of brands and products that currently use or have used senomyx:

(Click the arrows on the left to access the full expanded lists)


Beverages (Water, Soda, Energy, Coffee, Tea, Milk)

Foods (Chips, Gum, Soups, Condiments, Medicines)


Pet Foods

Direct Info. Sources

* We will add a disclaimer beside brands in this article who have completely severed all of their contracts with senomyx, once that information is made known to us.

Senomyx was found to make about $29.32 million in 2017. What product do they serve? According to their company description, "Senomyx nose a good thing when it smells it." This becomes a horrifying phrase once you learn how this ungodly company operates. "The company has identified human receptor genes related to the detection of smells and tastes." Explained in in this U.S. SEC document from 2007, "Senomyx is a leading company focused on using proprietary taste receptor-based assays." Senomyx Inc. listed HEK-293, a “human embryo kidney” cell line produced from an aborted fetus in the 1970s, in more than 70 patents related to flavor enhancers. You can learn more about the use of HEK-293 in flavor enhancers here as well.

For a Godly alternative, we are developing an online marketplace for brands and products we can trust. Visit: to shop Kingdom. Our mobile app for iOS and Android is now available worldwide.

Looking for clean, inspiring, and uplifting content for you and your family? We launch the BOLDEST modern advancement to video streaming: on Dec. 1st, 2023.

Thank you to everyone who choose to stand for what is right and true. Jesus says, "If you will keep My Words, then you will know The Truth, and The Truth will set you Free." (John 8:31-32). The Truth prevails, may God Bless you and your family more in Jesus' Name, amen.

523,722 views235 comments


Catherine Simon
Catherine Simon
Aug 29

How can we prove this information?


Jessica Arredondo
Jessica Arredondo
Jul 07

PDF file by Andrea Byrnes Dr.Plotkin


Jun 20

Notwithstanding the fact that the Catholic Church has taken arguably the greatest public stance against Abortion…

Considering the major rolls that the ORIGINATORS and TOP LEADERS of Catholicism have played in centuries of critical deceptions, there is now No Wonder why they have taught their followers that it is Not Necessary for people to pray (give thanks or ask for God’s Blessing) over each meal before we eat!

Yet the Protestants (Early Christian Church believers who have protested against Catholicism changing God’s Laws and Time) have always stressed an importance for such prayers over every meal. Just makes ya go “Hmmm!”

Michael Collins
Michael Collins
3 days ago
Replying to

Are you sure they were Protestants way back then? Don’t get me wrong Rome flew off the rails with Papal Supremacy, filioque, indulgences etc. But back in the early days there were bishops, elders, deacons, and even oral traditions.


Jun 19

all whipped cream has senomyx ?

Jun 19
Replying to

just says “whipped cream” under foods~also…


donese washington
donese washington
May 17

Everyone is asking for this list of foods but no response back on what they are! Are we still in the dark of not knowing what to not buy because you sure aren't giving us info


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