BREAKING: A court hearing between Jared Leto, the worldwide acclaimed actor/musician, and a man named Michael, took place this week on Tuesday, May 17th, at the Los Angeles County Superior Court of Pasadena District at 300E Walnut St. Pasadena, California.
Latest Additions: Leto Loses - Read more here.

Jared Leto is filing a lawsuit against Michael for believing Jared Leto is satan. The defendant, Michael, has written a book on how he believes Jared Leto is satan, with deep descriptive evidence to support his belief. The book is a compilation of supporting evidence, with a large assortment of pictures and links to sources and further information. Michael states that God told him Jared Leto is satan. Michael has also released a video where he shares his personal testimony (see video at bottom of this article).
Leto seeks to have the video removed and to stop the distribution of the defendant’s testimony, so he can no longer publicly claim Jared Leto is satan. Michael's website for his ministry (where he personally serves the homeless across the nation) includes a downloadable PDF of the aforementioned book he has written. His website can be found at
The Jared Leto v. Michael Court Trial June 29th.
The trial for LETO, JARED JOSEPH VS MICHAEL took place on June 29th, 2022 at 8:30am in Department S at 300 East Walnut St., Pasadena, CA. For your own reference, the case number is (remitted).
Another trial hearing was set to take place August 10th, 2022 at 8:30am at the same location in Pasadena, CA.

What's most intriguing to me is finding the video by Philion (with over 693,000 YouTube subscribers), titled, "The Cult of Jared Leto" now viewed over 1,000,000+ times in the past 3 weeks as of today, May 19th, 2022. As well as this video with 1,200,000+ views, "Content Court: Jared Leto" by H3 Podcast, and the many other high-profile videos and articles alleging and accusing Jared Leto of pedophilia, sexual assault, and other manipulative behavior, including Jared's own admission from this New York Times article, "I hate the word ‘‘fan’’; it just seems so dismissive. Because we have this cult, this family, these believers who understand, it seems fitting that there was a name to reference them."
Jared Leto: Pedophilia, Cult, Antichrist, What's the Verdict?
Not to mention world renowned actor Dylan Sprouse's viral tweet questioning Jared Leto's sexual promiscuity:
And renowned movie director James Gunn's tweet in reply to Dylan Sprouse, that has since been removed:
Now considering all of the above, what's most intriguing to me is that Leto seems to have only filed a court case against Michael, a man with a total social media following under 100 followers as seen below from Instagram @MichaelCastingPearls.

After tens of millions of views and impressions on other allegations and accusatory remarks from videos, articles, and posts, Leto has chosen to file a court case against a man whose video testimony has been viewed 1,230 times total as of today. And it seems the only major difference in the information shared by thousands and viewed by millions, and the information shared by the defendant of this lawsuit, is Michael's testimony of how God told him that Jared Leto is the antichrist.
Is Jared Leto the antichrist, the individual prophesied in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, the man of sin, as Michael describes? Jared Leto said in this interview with International Music Feed, "Many years ago in a land far away, there was a child born, his name was satan." Could Leto have been referring to himself?
Latest Additions: Leto Loses
Michael won the lawsuit with Jared Leto. The court case found Michael well within his God-given first amendment rights to free speech to share the information he presented to the public through his testimony and genuine journalism.
Michael's Video Testimony About Jared Leto:
Below is a video recently shared in late 2022 following the trial, by the defendant, Michael. The content of the video includes Michael's personal testimony. Hear the full testimony shared by Michael in this video below.
This article will be updated as the story continues to unfold. If you have any further testimony, evidence, tips or opinions in relation to this story, please comment below.
First, Jared Leto does NOT put marks on people. They tattoo themselves. The reference to “cult” ummm its a joke because his fans love and follow his band so fiercely. You Michael are defaming Jared Letos character in this video. Thats not your right to do. Stop spreading false news. And how many times are you going to say his name Jared Leto??? Obsessed much?
Hard to believe that Leto lost the court case.. there is such a thing as diffamation.. and spreading rumors of him being Satan could put his life at risk, given all the religious fanatics out there, who would certainly jump at the chance to stop Satan's work. The court made the wrong decision.
Leto does actually pen lyrics that he’s the devil…so I’m just wondering if it’s hit a nerve or something??? Mystery isn’t it 🤔🧐🤔🧐